pain management blog
Every Year’s September month is observed as Pain Awareness Month. Pain Free odisha is constantly putting...
Pl watch Dr Shovan Kumar Rath ,Eminent Pain &Palliative Care Physician Sharing details on pain The...
Arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. Pain, swelling, and stiffness are the primary...
Indian Medical Association(IMA)’s Keonjhar Branch organized a helath seminar on “Chronic Pain Management-...
Mission Pain Free Odisha Free Camp for Chronic Pain patients of Banpur on 18th Morning….(18/06/22).....
Back Pain can be chronic or acute, if the pain persists for more than six weeks then that will considered...
An Article about the Pain Relief, Pain Management and Palliative care being published on Samaya News...
Dr. Shovan Kumar Rath, Pain and Palliative care specialist discussing about Doctors day at Swasthya...
Another Successful Awareness program for the Doctors of IDA, Silk City Branch, Berhampur…….Regarding...
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a condition that is characterized by shooting pain in the face. Trigeminal neuralgia or...