Every year September month is considered as Pain Awareness month. So, what exactly the pain management is, which kind of patients are being treated in a pain management clinic, In this article I will take you through all these points and clear your doubts related to Pain Management and Pain Clinic.
What is a Pain Management Clinic?
A pain Management clinic or Pain clinic basically a medical establishment staffed by multiple doctors or pain specialists, who have specialize in treating, diagnosing and helping people to get rid of general pain as well as chronic pain.
Any pain that persists for more than six months and affecting someone’s day to day life are considered as chronic pain. There are several types of pain such as Cancer pain and Benign Pain. Generally caner pain caused due to the treatment of cancer or after the spreading of cancer virus all over the body. Headaches, Migraine, Spondylitis, neck pain, sciatica pain, low back pain etc. are known as benign pain.
Why someone visits a pain clinic?
If any kinds of chronic pain remain un-treated for a long period of time, then there are chances, that it induces high Blood Pressures Heart problems, Mental illness etc. If your pain is not getting controlled by medicines, pain killers and it’s lasting for more than three months, then it’s better to see a Pain Specialists, before it gets too late.
Pain Management specialist or interventional pain specialists follows many procedure for better managing your pain such as, first they try to manage the pain using medicines. In many cases, they avoid major surgery and reduce the pain by blocking a nerve or deadening a nerve which is causing the particular pain. This kind of procedure are really very safe and there is no need of the patient to be admitted in hospital, this procedure can be done in day care basics. There is no age bar and dieses dependencies for this kind of pain management procedure.
Sometimes Pain Management Specialist increase the gap between medicinal surgery, where they might stop the medicine and avoid the surgery as well, which will benefited for the people, having terminal illness and it enhances their quality of life. The Pain management physicians are following new treatment protocols instead of using the traditional pain management approach, now a days.
The goals of a pain management clinics are, Providing Pain Science Education, Giving you the tools for better managing your pain, Helping you to increase your level of functioning, Reducing Pain Symptoms, Increasing Confidence, Giving you more control of your life and your condition.
If you are having any kind of Pain, stop taking pain killers and visit any pain management specialist near you.