Article Published on Samaya News Paper
An Article about the Pain Relief, Pain Management and Palliative care being published on Samaya News Paper.
Pain Management Blog Odisha, Pain Management tips, Pain Clinic, Tips for handling chronic pain by Dr. Shovan Kumar Rath, Pain Free Odisha, India
An Article about the Pain Relief, Pain Management and Palliative care being published on Samaya News Paper.
Dr. Shovan Kumar Rath, Pain and Palliative care specialist discussing about Doctors day at Swasthya Sambad.
Indian Medical Association(IMA)’s Keonjhar Branch organized a helath seminar on “Chronic Pain Management- Whats the Update” Dr. Shovan Kumar Rath, Pain and Palliative care specialist being invited as distinguish speaker, to the seminar. Dr. Rath Discussed about several aspects and treatment procedure for Chronic pain management.
Mission Pain Free Odisha Free Camp for Chronic Pain patients of Banpur on 18th Morning….(18/06/22).. Different pain patients were examined and advised for proper management. Special Thanks to Mr Pradeep & Mr V Kameswar Achari for making this a successful camp.
Another Successful Awareness program for the Doctors of IDA, Silk City Branch, Berhampur…….Regarding Recent advances in the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia & Atypical Facial pain. Thankful to Dr Bibhukesh Panigrahi & IDA, Berhampur for arranging this wonderful program…. For any queries & helping us in arranging awareness program in ur locality …contact us at 7606002165…
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a condition that is characterized by shooting pain in the face. Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureux, is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve present in the face. Trigeminal nerve has three main branches which provide sensations to the scalp, forehead, cheeks, lips and lower jaw. Trigeminalmi neuralgia usually affects only…
Cancer pain takes many forms. It can be dull, achy, sharp or burning. It can be constant, intermittent, mild, moderate or severe. How much pain one feel depends on a number of factors, including the type of cancer one is having, how advanced it is, where it’s situated and pain tolerance capacity. Cancer pain is…
Srikant, 68, a retired professional was experiencing constant pain in his jaws for the past 10 years. Assuming that it was a dental pain, he visited several dentists to get the ailment cured. He has several tooth extractions done. However, the pain persisted. Then he searched online hoping to find the exact cause of his…
Every year September month is considered as Pain Awareness month. So, what exactly the pain management is, which kind of patients are being treated in a pain management clinic, In this article I will take you through all these points and clear your doubts related to Pain Management and Pain Clinic. What is a Pain…